When you consider applying for a graduate position, moving away from your home area might not be the first thing on your mind – relocating to another place can be challenging. But many companies offer positions in regional offices, so it may be beneficial to think about these roles during your job search!
Neww Zealand is a diverse nation where the culture and lifestyle can vary greatly between urban, regional and rural areas. Considering vacancies outside of the capital cities in these regional and rural areas can expand your graduate employment options.
Many rural areas suffer professional skill shortages because so many professionals prefer to live and work in the capital cities and especially cities on the Eastern seaboard. Mobility can assist your career progression and some organisations will even pay the removal expenses for those willing to relocate. Within large regional centres opportunities for professional advancement can rival or exceed capital cities.
The relaxed lifestyle benefits include being able to live only a few minutes away from work and an opportunity to live and work as part of a close-knit regional community. Housing is generally less expensive in rural areas, and offers greater choice ranging from rural-residential style acreage blocks to city-style suburban street frontage. Rural professionals generally experience high levels of satisfaction from the diverse range of work they perform and often become respected members and leaders of rural communities.
You may wish to work in a large regional city, a small rural town or a remote centre. Some professionals choose to live in a large regional centre and commute to their workplace in a nearby small town, and some choose to live in the small hamlet and commute to employment in the regional centre. Despite this, the commuting time will often be much less than for city employees. Rural and regional employment is as varied as the communities.
Some of the challenges of rural living include distance from specialist medical services and professional development opportunities. The distance from capital cities adds to the cost of travel for professional development or cultural and recreational pursuits. Many larger regional centres have university campuses. However, if you choose to live in smaller, more remote communities, external study may be the only option for further qualifications. Public transport is not as widespread and people are more reliant on owning their own car. Career progression within smaller rural areas may be limited.
By Cheryl Bookallil, Careers Education Officer, CQUniversity, Rockhampton campus.
- move in with a friend
- join a local sports club/community group
- check what relocation support your company may offer
- get involved in your company’s social club or mentoring/buddy system
- ask your uni alumni association for the names of other local alums